One-Stop Solution for waste management services

Integrated Waste Solutions: End-to-End waste disposal services.

Socially conscious service provider

Maridi Bio Industries Private Limited

In today’s healthcare landscape, protecting public health and the environment is paramount. At Maridi Bio Industries Private Limited, we specialize in safe and compliant biomedical waste disposal for hospitals, clinics, and research facilities. We understand the critical role proper waste management plays, and our comprehensive services ensure your biohazardous materials are handled with the utmost care. Let us help you prioritize patient safety, staff well-being, and environmental responsibility.

Maridi Bio Logo, Maridi Bio Pvt Ltd, Re Sustainability, ReSustainability

Diverse Market Segments

Explore the services where Maridi Bio Industries Private Limited prowess in treatment and disposal of hazardous waste shines.

Biomedical Waste, Maridi Bio Pvt Ltd, Re Sustainability, ReSustainability

Biomedical Waste

Sharps Waste, Maridi Bio Pvt Ltd, Re Sustainability, ReSustainability

Sharps Waste

Pharmaceutical Waste, Maridi Bio Pvt Ltd, Re Sustainability, ReSustainability

Pharmaceutical Waste

One Time Waste, Maridi Bio Pvt Ltd, Re Sustainability, ReSustainability

One Time Waste

Biomedical Waste done right !

As India’s leader in Medical Waste Facility, Maridi Bio Industries sets the standard for responsible healthcare waste disposal. We’re dedicated to safeguarding your patients and the environment through innovative, eco-friendly processing techniques.

Our commitment to exceeding industry benchmarks in quality and environmental stewardship ensures your waste is handled safely, compliantly, and sustainably. This minimizes risk and protects your brand reputation, allowing you to focus on what matters most – patient care.


Acres facility

Diverse Workforce, Maridi Bio Pvt Ltd, Re Sustainability, ReSustainability
0 +

Diverse Workforce

Biomedical Waste Processed, Maridi Bio Pvt Ltd, Re Sustainability, ReSustainability
0 Tn's/day

Biomedical waste processed.

Healthcare Client Base, Maridi Bio Pvt Ltd, Re Sustainability, ReSustainability


Healthcare Client base


Our Latest Certificates

Certifications 1, Maridi Bio Pvt Ltd, Re Sustainability, ReSustainability

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Awarded to companies or organizations that demonstrate that they have strict occupational health and safety standards throughout their operations.
Certifications 1, Maridi Bio Pvt Ltd, Re Sustainability, ReSustainability

ISO 14001:2015 Certified

Third-party audited for best practices in processes and services that proactively reduce or eliminate pollution, waste and environmental footprints.
Certifications 1, Maridi Bio Pvt Ltd, Re Sustainability, ReSustainability

ISO 45001:2018 Certified

Awarded to companies that consistently provide products and services meeting customer and regulatory requirements​ and strive for continuous improvement.